Decimal | In Words |
25.567 | Twenty-five and five hundred sixty-seven... |
0.5 | Five tenths |
0.4 | Four tenths |
0.7 | Seven tenths |
0.8 | Eight tenths |
3.14 | Three and fourteen hundredths |
0.1 | One tenths |
0.2 | Two tenths |
0.003 | Three thousandths |
0.09 | Nine hundredths |
0.25 | Twenty-five hundredths |
1.5 | One and five tenths |
0.3 | Three tenths |
0.03 | Three hundredths |
2.5 | Two and five tenths |
0.75 | Seventy-five hundredths |
1.2 | One and two tenths |
63.4 | Sixty-three and four tenths |
4.2 | Four and two tenths |
3.5 | Three and five tenths |