With RankUpturn services, the Institution/School Admin users can add the TEACHERS under INSTITUTION/SCHOOL account. Teachers can be added using the below procedure:
Step 1: Login to the RankUpturn by using your login credentials. Please make sure that you have logged into as Institution/School Admin or Principal.
Step 2: Click on Teachers menu in the main menu.
Step 3: Click on ADD TEACHER You can also click on the BULK ADDITION to add multiple teachers in a single attempt.
Step 4: Fill in the corresponding Teacher’s details along with email address and mobile number and Click on ADD button.
Step 5: The invitation email and mobile OTP along with registration instruction will be sent to the corresponding teachers’ email address and mobile number.
Step 6: The teachers who got successfully completed his/her registration with RankUpturn using email link and mobile OTP will be listed under the Teachers menu. These Teachers will be available to assign to the classrooms based on the subject.
Important Note: A classroom can have any number of assigned teachers but can have only one Classroom Admin. The Classroom Admin must be a Teacher of that same classroom. For example, if a classroom has 5 Teachers, you can set any one of the 5 Teachers as a Classroom Admin.