Time Duration Challenge

Math Challenge
Start my Challenge
How many hours & minutes between 12:10 AM and 5:05 PM?
What is the time duration between 2:50 AM yesterday and 8:10 PM today?
Find the time duration between 10:45 PM and 2:40 AM nextday?
How many hours & minutes between 6:30 AM and 11:25 PM?
What is the time difference between 6:30 AM and 10:20 AM?
What is the time duration between 12:30 PM and 9:00 PM?
What is the time duration between 11:35 AM yesterday and 7:35 PM today?
Find the time duration between 5:10 PM and 10:20 AM nextday?
What is the time difference between 12:05 AM and 11:55 AM?
What is the time duration between 5:55 PM and 6:30 PM?
Time duration challenge is an online test to assess 4th or 5th grade student's math skills on finding the time interval between to given clock times in pre-algebra or measurement and data (MD) of common core state standards (CCSS) for mathematics.
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